Body Image Counselling Barrie

Partnering with you on the journey to food freedom and body peace.

You may have arrived here if you …

  • Are tired of your brain being consumed by negative thoughts about your body

  • Are disillusioned from bouncing from diet to diet only to always regain the weight

  • Want your time, energy, and brain space back from thinking about food all the time

  • Know there must be some other way to gain peace with your body

  • Want to see yourself as more than your body and be free to live your life

  • Want to care well for your body but are unsure of how to do that aside from food and exercise plans

However you have arrived here, I’m happy you are here. Keep reading to see if my body image counselling services would be helpful for you.

sad woman lying on couch thinking about her body

You might be coping by always looking for ways to fix what you perceive as flaws.

Those fixing behaviours might look like restricted eating or over-exercising. You may also try to combat this shame by looking for your next healthy eating plan, or trying a fat loss supplement, or drug.

You feel that if you just had enough willpower, you would have the body of your dreams. You feel this is all your fault and that you should be able to change your body.

You may struggle to be present when your body is more visible such as at the beach or when being intimate with a partner.

Your mood may be affected by this body shame and you might feel sad or depressed. You may find yourself bingeing to cope with all these painful feelings.

If this is you: you need a space where you don’t have to hide, where you can be fully seen without judgment, where you can experience gentleness as you begin to untangle your relationship with your body and food.

*** Please note that I work with individuals struggling with disordered eating, not diagnosed eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa.

woman talking to her therapist

It’s deeply painful to struggle with your body and I offer you compassion.

We all struggle with our bodies at some point or another in this image-obsessed culture. It’s so painful to have a body that doesn’t fit the thin ideal. It’s so painful to feel unattractive and undesirable. It’s so painful to go from the high and hope of a new eating plan that’s going to make your body what you want it to be, to only be worse off than where you started a few months or years later. 

I want to offer you hope. You don’t have to spend the rest of your life trying to control and shrink your body. It’s possible for you to accept your body as it is. It’s possible for you to live a life free from body consciousness. Freedom is found not in shrinking your body but in healing your mind and how you think about your body.

As a Certified Intuitive Eating practitioner, I can help you leave diet culture behind. Intuitive Eating is a mind-body, self-care eating framework that was created by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. It is an evidence-based approach with over 200 studies proving its effectiveness!